SLP99V Variable-Capacity Gas Furnace
The quietest and most efficient furnace you can buy *
SL297NV Variable-Speed, Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Furnace
First-in-class, lowest emission furnace on the market **
SL280V Variable-Speed Gas Furnace
The quietest furnace in its class ***
SL280NV Variable-Speed, Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Furnace
First-in-class, lowest emission furnace on the market **
EL297V Gas Furnace
High-efficiency, digital, two-stage, variable-speed gas furnace
EL297E Gas Furnace
High-efficiency, two-stage, constant-torque gas furnace
EL296V High-Efficiency, Two-Stage Gas Furnace
High-efficiency, variable-speed gas furnace
EL296E High-Efficiency, Two-Stage Gas Furnace
Two-stage furnace with Power Saver™ technology
EL280E Gas Furnace
Two-stage gas furnace with constant-torque motor design for even temperatures
EL196E Gas Furnace
Single-stage furnace with Power Saver™ technology
EL195NE Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Furnace
First-in-class, lowest emission furnace on the market **
EL180NE Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Furnace
First in class, lowest emission furnace on the market **
ML296V Gas Furnace
Variable-speed gas furnace that heats the home evenly and efficiently
ML196E Gas Furnace
Single-stage, 96% fuel-efficient gas furnace with Power Saver™ constant-torque motor design
ML193E Gas Furnace
Single-stage gas furnace with constant-torque motor design for even temperatures and constant efficiency
ML180V Gas Furnace
Single-stage, 80% fuel-efficient gas furnace with variable-speed fan motor
ML180E Gas Furnace
Economical gas furnace with Power Saver™ technology
SLO185V Oil Furnace
Variable-speed oil furnace
ELO183 Oil Furnaces
Quiet and efficient oil furnace