Better with every breath.
NOx causes respiratory problems — such as wheezing, coughing, colds, bronchitis and worsened asthma — and is harmful for vegetation.
California lowered NOx emission limits from 40ng/J to 14ng/J for all natural-gas-fired, fan-type residential central furnaces within certain parts of the state.
An installation uncompliant with these emission standards is liable for a fine up to $450.
Learn more about South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) emissions limits.
Learn more about San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) emissions limits. Learn more about the 2024 Bay Area Air Quality Management District future emission limits.
Why choose a Lennox Ultra-Low NOx solution.
Lennox is the first manufacturer with a full line of ultra-low emissions furnaces.

Lowest emissions
Lennox Ultra-Low NOx furnaces produce 65% less NOx emissions than a low NOx furnace.

Lower Bills
They are more cost effective, creating projected 25% heating cost savings over an average year.
Lennox Solutions
Products that offer ultra-low emissions

SL280NV Variable-Speed, Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Furnace
First-in-class, lowest emission furnace on the market

SL297NV Variable-Speed, Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Furnace
First-in-class, lowest emission furnace on the market

Recognized for leading the way.
Year after year, leading institutions choose to award Lennox for its innovative initiatives in the heating and cooling industry which helps homeowners define what perfect air means to them. Below you'll find a few of the recognitions this product has received.
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